Ashley Carter, a medical assisting graduate from the $$Pikeville Campus, recently turned to the American National University Career Center when it became imperative to find employment after her husband was laid off from his job in the coal industry. With assistance from the career center, Ashley’s résumé was sent to the Pikeville office of the Asthma & Allergy Center which has five satellite locations. She was called in for an interview the next day and hired shortly thereafter.
In her new role at the medical practice, Ashley works in the front office where she assists with patient scheduling and administrative work. She likes that her training as a medical assistant prepared her to also work in the clinical side of the practice should the opportunity arise.
Ashley is just one of many American National University graduates who have been hired by the Asthma and Allergy Center. “They have all been well prepared and [are] very well qualified,” said Loretta Stanley with the Asthma and Allergy Center.
[img]The Asthma and Allergy Center also participated in the campus’s Healthy Fun Fair which was held in July. Ms. Stanley said that the Healthy Fun Fair was one of the largest community events that the practice has ever participated in, and that they conducted over 75 free Spirometry pulmonary function tests during the event.
Because of its on-going support of American National University and its students and graduates, the Pikeville Campus recently recognized the Asthma and Allergy Center with a Distinguished Community Employer award. “We really appreciate the fact that these people come ready to work and they have all the computer skills that they need because we have electronic medical records,” said Ms. Stanley. “It’s not just the medical part that they have to know; they have to know the computer part, as well,” she explained.
Ashley Carter (pictured in top photo) feels that her degree and new career wouldn’t have been possible without the flexible class schedule that she found at American National University. “If you have a job and you have a busy life, National is the place to go,” she said.
Pictured in the bottom photo are (left to right) Nichol Burchfield and Dr. Leonor Pagtakhan-So with the Asthma and Allergy Center accepting their award of recognition from Campus Director Tammy Riley.